Extreme Dreams Gallery

John Svenson
John Svenson paintings, glass work, beads and so much more! Read more about John and let us know if you want to visit the gallery!

Sharon Svenson Mosaics
I have been exploring and working in mosaics full time since year 2000. Before that, from 1972, my focus was in weaving rugs and tapestry, but I became disenchanted with rigid structure.
What tapestry and mosaics have in common is the process of building images one area or piece at a time whether from yarn or tessarae. The potency of color in these mediums is what seduces me. Now I have added light and reflection.
I am inspired by the natural world that surrounds our home in rural Alaska. I share this incredible place with my artist husband, John, and our standard poodle, grey parrot, and two cats.
I invite you to look at my gallery of works and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or interest in any of the pieces.
At the Gallery
If you would like a tour or just pop in, you are welcome!

Jaqcque & Mary Regat-cast bronze

Andrea Nelson- Assemblages

The Extreme Dreams Gallery